Jacksonville offers an excellent quality of life, with a low cost of living, abundant recreational opportunities and moderate climate.
Open spaces, convenient access to employment centers, office space, shopping, entertainment, and numerous recreational activities are just a few of the reasons why Jacksonville is attracting families and businesses. The median household income is one of the highest in the state, making our area a prime target for retailers. The economic outlook for Jacksonville and its surrounding area continues to be optimistic.
Jacksonville's emergence as one of the leading intermodal centers on the eastern seaboard comes as no surprise. Strategically positioned within hours of the eastern U.S., the Caribbean basins, Central America, and one of the best locations for reaching the east coast of South America, Jacksonville is rapidly becoming a significant international trade center. As broadband communications and transportation innovations continue to bring all areas of the globe closer together, Jacksonville is ideally suited to be your springboard to the world.
Get Jacksonville reports on local employers, average wage by industry, per capita personal income, state and local taxation, geography, climate, population, migration, labor force, transportation, education and quality of life.
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